At Rocky Branch Baptist Church, we have a diverse group of people from many different back grounds and denominations. There are subjects in the Bible that many Christians hold different beliefs about…grey areas so to speak. We call these nonessentials, or disputable matters. We believe diversity can be healthy and need not lead to division! We believe the Bible, the Holy Spirit and our God given conscience should be our personal guide regarding these disputable matters.
The old adage below holds true for us as we seek to live out our God given mission to Love God, Love Others and Make Disciples.
Regarding disputable matters - LIBERTY
Regarding indisputable matters - UNITY
In all things - LOVE
In a world that all too often embraces sin by calling wrong actions and attitudes right, and in a world that declares “all roads lead to God”, we want to be clear about where we stand regarding “indisputable matters”, or subjects that we believe are essential to Christian faith and sound Biblical doctrine. Rocky Branch Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and follow the basic tenets of beliefs stated in the Baptist Faith and Message; you can view these in detail below.
Click here to access to the Southern Baptist Convention website.